Writer's Cafe - a place to be creative

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It's easy to get writing with Writer's Café!

Writer's Café makes doing your writing practice easy and convenient.

Writers and teachers of writing all agree: writing practice is essential part of becoming an effective, successful writer. You can't run a marathon without taking any exercise and neither can you start a novel or a screenplay without developing fluency and stamina in your writing. You need to be able to face a blank page fearlessly, and always have something to say. This is what writing practice teaches you to do.

Use the Journal or Notebook for writing practice.

Choose either the Journal or the Notebook to write in; each will auto-save for you, so you don't have to worry about losing precious paragraphs. You just have to write.

Never be stuck for something to say with our extensive writing prompts and exercises.

Sometimes you just won't have a clue what to write. Don't worry, Writer's Café has powerful tools to help you! Press the prompt icon and you will find you have a choice of a huge range of ideas and exercises, generated at random. These can be pasted straight into your journal or notebook. You'll find that these prompts force your brain to get working and you will soon find yourself writing away, with a mass of new ideas occurring to you all the time.

We've included a handy timer so you can put a little gentle pressure on yourself.

With Writer's Café you will find it easy to get into the daily writing habit that successful writers swear by.

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