Writer's Café on the Move

Runs on small laptops such as the Eee PC - Windows and Linux
Designed for a new breed of ultra-portables
Writer's Café is designed to run on all popular kinds of desktop and notebook computer, including inexpensive ultra-mobile laptops ('netbooks')
such as the Asus Eee PC, Acer Aspire One, MSI Wind/Advent Netbook/Elonex Webbook, Everex Cloudbook, and Sylvania Netbook.
These machines often come with variants of the Linux operating system, instead of Microsoft Windows, since Linux is free and easily configured by the manufacturer to offer a simple user
experience. The downside is that software has to be written especially for Linux, and applications are not as plentiful on Linux as they are on Windows or Mac.
Happily, we've been writing Linux applications for over 10 years and so Writer's Café runs on
those little machines running either Linux or Windows. Writer's Café adapts to small
displays by using scrolling windows and dialog boxes when necessary, and has a full-screen mode to make best use of available screen space.
Writer's Café on the Eee PC
This means that wherever you are, you can always have Writer's Café with you - on the plane, train, hotel, café, at home, or at work.
For installation details for these machines, see the FAQ items for the Asus Eee PC running Xandros, the
Acer Aspire One running Linpus, and general notes on Linux installation.

Fully portable - can run from a USB drive
Writer's Café in a matchbox-sized package
Want an even more mobile solution? No problem - you can make use of our unparalleled support for external drives such as USB memory keys. You can
store not only your data on an external drive, but Writer's Café itself, so your work can travel with you
and be available from just about any computer you have access to, whether it's running Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux.
Writer's Café has a wizard to make it easy for you to install the running program (or the latest release from the web site) onto an external drive.
Each version - one for each operating system - will share the same settings and data on the drive. See the FAQ and
manual for more details.
If you prefer, you can now use the PortableApps.com method of
installation if you only want to run Windows applications. For more information, please see the FAQ.
Licensed for the way you work
The way people use computers is changing, and it's increasingly common to have a variety of machines, each suited to a particular task. For example,
you may have access to a static desktop in the office,
a powerful family laptop at home, plus a small, cheap laptop for surfing and taking to the café. Writer's Café is licensed per
user and not per computer - so feel free to use it on any or all of your machines.
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